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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

Modernising the USSR: Industrialisation

After half-year working with Russia, it's time to say goodbye to this topic. To give a closure to this, we created some oral presentations in which we explained different themes related to the USSR. My presentation was about Industrialisation. I worked with Nicole Schliemann , Lola Fernandez Cosentino , Juana Ravenna and Aylin De Angelis. Here you can see our presentation, enjoy it!

The Bolsheviks are the future of Russia!

Lately, in History we have been working with Russia, Lenin and the Bolsheviks. I think these topics are really interesting! As we are studying them, we did some posters about Lenin. The point of the posters was to convince people to support Lenin and join the Bolsheviks. Here you can see mine, I hope you like it!  I decided to use red and yellow for the back because these colours represent the Bolsheviks. I included that black border to make the poster look quite old. The man you can see is Lenin and all the people that are below him represents the Bolsheviks. They have red flags because the Bolsheviks were The Reds. Then, you can read the phrase "Peace, Bread and Land", that was Lenin's slogan. Also, you can see the phrase "The Bolsheviks are the future of Russia" because I considered it shows the self-confidence they had at that time. 

¡Conozcamos las habilidades emocionales!

Durante el primer trimestre de Construcción de Ciudadanía, estuvimos trabajando con las habilidades emocionales. Para aprender sobre esto usamos una página llamada Habilidades para la Vida . A mi en lo personal me pareció muy interesante e importante el tema, es por esto que les quiero compartir mis conocimientos.  En la siguiente presentación van a encontrar definiciones, trabajos y todo lo que tienen que saber sobre tres de las habilidades emocionales. ¡Espero que les sea útil y les guste! Your browser does not support the video tag.

¡Mis trabajos del primer período!

Desde marzo estamos estudiando en nuestras casas, ya que estamos en cuarentena obligatoria, pero seguimos estudiando. Durante este primer período, en la materia arte seguimos dibujando. Como ya se acerca el final del primer trimestre, les quiero compartir mis dibujos. Espero que les gusten.

Nicholas II: Tsar's Family Tree

Some weeks ago, we did our family trees, it was super interesting. Now it's time to create the Tsar's family tree. To do it, we had to do a lot of research because it is very difficult to find information about old Russian people. After a lot of worth work, I finally finished it.  Here you can see Nicholas' family tree. I wish you like it and it's useful for you!