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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

This is my family

To learn about the world's history, it is very important to know our own history. That's why before learning about someone else's family, we have to learn about our family. As we want to create Nicholas II family tree, we first have to do a personal family tree. This is what we have done, we created our family trees!  It was very interesting to create it because I had to ask everyone about my family. It wasn't easy at all! I want to share my family tree with you, I hope you like it: 

¿Cómo es la sabana americana?

La mayoría de las personas relacionan directamente a la sabana como un bioma de África, pero... ¿sabías que podemos encontrar muchísimas sabanas en América? ¡Hasta podemos encontarlas en tres provincias diferentes de Argentina! Con toda la información encontrada, creamos una presentación en pequeños grupos (mi grupo estaba formado por Lola Fernandez Cosentino , Jeremías Fierro y Facundo Güelmos ) para explicar como son estas sabanas de América.  A continuación les dejo un documento que tiene toda la información: La Sabana Publish at Calameo Acá pueden ver nuestra presentación:

My own stage

The play "Journey´s End", was written after World War I by R. C. Sherriff. It talks about life in threnches during the war. As we are going to work with the play this year, we read the scene. There you can read how dug-out in the British trenches were. The Scene from Journey´s End by R. C. Sherriff. After that, we had to imagine how that was placed in the stage and drew it. Here you have my drawing: If you want, here you can check my classmates drawings:

WWI Propaganda

During World War I (WWI), the government needed to recruit soldiers for the war. To do that, they printed some posters that made the army look excited. In this way, more people would join. After analyzing some of them, I created my own poster. Here you can see it: -I chose two images of soldiers during the war. -I wrote the phrase "Why aren't you here?", so people can think why they are not in the war fighting for their country. -I wrote the word YOU very big because that was the trick, talk directily to the person that is on the other side. -The colours I used are very dark so you can see the pain of the war. I hope you liked it. If you want to know more about the posters, click here !