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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

Mis creaciones con GeoGebra

El día 27/06/19, en la clase de matemática, utilizamos la aplicación GeoGebra. Con ella construimos triángulos y cuadriláteros e investigamos la barra de herramientas que contiene. Me costó bastante hacerlos, pero al final me sorprendí por como me quedaron. Acá están los triángulos y los cuadriláteros que construí: Triángulos: escaleno, isósceles y equilátero. Cuadriláteros: cuadrado, rectángulo, romboide, rombo, paralelogramo común, trapezoide común, trapecio rectángulo, trapecio isósceles y trapecio escaleno.  

Un lugar lejano para mi... El desierto

En grupos de cuatro/cinco personas, trabajamos para hacer una presentación de geografía. Esta se trataba sobre los biomas del mundo. Con Sofia, Manuel, Juan Martin y Joaquin investigamos sobre los desiertos. En nuestra presentación debíamos incluir: Las características del bioma. Su ubicación.  Su flora. Su fauna. El clima. Sus problemas ambientales.  Una vez que todo estaba listo, mostramos nuestra presentación en clase. Así quedó nuestra presentación:  

The most important people in my life...

The other day, we had the Writing Competition. There, we had to choose a subject to talk about with a minimum of 100 words. The options were: If you could end any problem in the world, what would it be? Why?  Write about the most important thing in your life. (This is the one that I choose) One day, a giant box was delivered to your front door step with your name on it. What was inside and what happened when you open it?  Here it is my writing: We are living our lives now. We live in a giant world with a lot of things. But... what is it the most important thing that we have?. Love?, peace?, our friends?, our families?, a material thing?. This is a difficult question. I think that my family and my friends are the most important in my life. This two simple words means a lot. They represent love, fun, protection, memories, secrets, and a lot of other things. All this people help you to understand how life works and they make everything easier. In a bad day, they are going to be t

“My History Test”

In writing, we wrote a story about telling a lie. I decided that my story was going to be about a girl that lied to her mother because of her mark. My story it is call "My History Test", here it is!  It was a very difficult and important test, the most important of the year. I was always reading about the Industrial Revolution because I wanted to pass the history test. After two weeks studying, the day finally came. I felt nervous and worried. That morning, my mother asked me, “Maddie, had you already study for the history test?”, and I told her all the things that I did. I said bye and I went walking to school. When I arrived and the test started, I forgot everything!. It took me two hours to complete it, but I did it. I wasn’t sure about my answers.  Next class, my teacher delivered the tests. I hadn’t pass it!. At that moment, I was desperate. What was my mother going to think about me?. Lying was the only way to face the situation.  I went home thinking about what