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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

La importancia del Mar Muerto

Trabajando en el marco de las propiedades de la materia, creamos un mapa interactivo del Mar Muerto. En este mapa pueden ver características generales sobre él, por qué es famoso y de que manera afecta a la biodiversidad que lo rodea. A continuación se los dejo así pueden aprender un poco más:      Acá tienen un vídeo que muestra imágenes de personas flotando en el Mar Muerto:

The main events of the WWI

We have been working on the First World War all along the year. To end with the main causes and events of it, we did a timeline to organize the ideas. We could do it individually or in pairs, I did it with Ornella Guzzo. We included the main battles and some of the countries that joined the war. We tried to do it simple and easy to understand but complete. Here you have the result with the dates and a little explanation of each event: Here you have the link of a song written by Paul McCartney called Pipe of Peace. In the video you can see how Christmas was during the war.